Overcome depression with the help of probiotics
When talking about mood, or conditions such as depression, we always think that these are properly brain-related, when in fact the influence of the digestive system on mental well-being is of great importance.
An important fact that many people do not know is that 90% of serotonin, which is the "hormone of well-being", is produced and stored in the digestive system. Surprising, isn't it?
The importance of serotonin
Serotonin is responsible for:
- Inducing feelings of calm, well-being, and relaxation.
- Stimulating sexual desire.
- Promoting the generation of dopamine (another happiness hormone).
- Fighting stress.
- Regulating sleep processes.
- Controlling the appetite.
- Promoting bowel movements.
- Regulating body temperature.
- The microbiota regulates part of our serotonin.
In the intestine, millions of bacteria form the intestinal flora or microbiota. These bacteria are beneficial for our organisms. Some of them regulate the creation of serotonin and others can increase it.
It is important to know that the serotonin created in the intestine is not the same that is produced and acts in the brain, but in the same or greater way, it helps us to feel good.
With this information, we can understand why depression is related to the digestive system.
Types of depression:
- Major depressive disorder: Generates apathy, psychomotor inhibition, refusal to eat, and exaggerated delusions of guilt.
- Dysthymia: Generates mood instability, anxiety, low self-esteem, and hopelessness.
- Anxiety-depressive disorder: Although moderate, it mixes anxiety and depression.
- Atypical depression: It generates great reactivity in the mood, anxiety, and some inverted depressive symptoms, increases appetite, and generates a lot of sleep during the day.
- Seasonal affective disorder: It occurs at certain times of the year, such as when remembering the loss of a loved one or an unfortunate event, the arrival of dates such as Christmas, or weather changes to cold and cloudy. It can also generate drowsiness, craving for carbohydrates, apathy, hopelessness, and fatigue.
- Bipolar disorder: Generates severe depressive episodes alternating with manias such as hyperactivity, excessive cleaning, insomnia, compulsive shopping, and irritability.
- Cyclothymia: Causes unpredictable mood swings, leading from euphoria to sadness.
There are several types of depression, some stronger than others, and some even require the use of medication to improve. But in all cases, it is possible to act on the microbiota to improve the clinical picture.
How can probiotics affect your mood?
Some medical conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome, have also been associated with mood swings and may be related to gut microbiota.
These types of diseases aggravate stress and have a special link to depression.
The probiotics we have in the gut are also involved in the production of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators by connecting the gut-brain axis. For this reason, we can call the gut our "second brain".
Do you know what psychobiotics are?
Probiotics can bring benefits to mental health such as:
Decrease stress and anxiety
- Improve emotional self-control
- Alleviate depression
- Combat obsessions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).
Psychobiotics are not just any probiotics like those in yogurt or inexpensive low-quality presentations but must be probiotics from specific strains with scientific studies that can provide organic functions for the benefit of mental health. Thus, psychobiotics benefit people with depression or depressive anxiety disorders.
One of the most recognized strains to treat these disorders is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus.
The best option in probiotics that fulfill organic functions is XAVIAX's, in which products Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is one of the main strains for its high effectiveness and benefits in a short time.
You can find this probiotic in different presentations, added with Agave Inulin as a prebiotic, in addition to nutrients to enhance its effects.
- DTX, added with fiber.
- OME, added with omega 3 and lactobacillus Bulgaricus.
- C+A, added with collagen, antioxidants, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus.
- MGF, in combination with Lactobacillus Paracasei.
- D3, lactobacillus Paracasei, and streptococcus Thermophilus.
The presentation of XAVIAX products is ideal for the whole family: it is a delicious tasting Biogel that keeps the probiotics alive and metabolically active, so they can work from the moment they touch your mouth and colonize the digestive system completely.