The newest LIVE PROBIOTICS technology

- Better
- Stronger
- Faster
Old generation probiotics take up to 23 hours to activate in your body. With live Probiotics in gel, patented technology from XAVIAX, the activation and benefits in your body occur in just 90 minutes!! Yes, Xaviax is better, stronger, faster!!
The most advanced way to protect your family
Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus Rhamnosus
Hydrolyzed collagen and cranberry extract
- Improves skin health and prevents the ageing process. of your body cells (stops oxidative stress).
- Helps with bones and joints health (high performance athletes).
- Reduces intestinal cramps, prevents bowel inflammation (colitis).
- Decreases heartburn (reflux and gastritis).
- Lowers sintoms of respiratory diseases.
- Regulates immune system
- Atherosclerosis and Hypertension.
- Stops the overgrowth of candida/yeast.
- Helps with E. coli diseasememory.
- Can help in chemo and radiotherapy treatments.